Published On 18/02/2024
This included developing suitable laboratory tests for certification/ approval bodies, a field test kit for manufacturers, and data for establishing acceptance criteria for low-nickel or nickel-free fittings.
The project builds on previous research on nickel leaching from brass fittings.
New testing methodologies are needed to assess the nickel release from chrome/nickel plated water fittings
These methodologies will help to ensure that fittings meet regulatory requirements and minimise nickel exposure to consumers
The project will provide manufacturers with tools to test their fittings and develop new products with lower nickel release
The findings will contribute to the development of acceptance criteria for low-nickel or nickel-free fittings.
Recommendations include the adoption of the AS/NZS 4020 approach to in-product testing of fittings made from nickel containing alloys or coated with nickel. This approach is considered the most reliable and consistent method for assess in the nickel release from these fittings.
Next steps include developing standard test methods based on the proposed screening process and the short-term test for nickel free fittings. In addition, establishing acceptance criteria for nickel release from fittings based on the testing methodologies, and dissemination of the testing methodologies and acceptance criteria to relevant stakeholders, including approval bodies, manufacturers, and water utilities.
The report: Developing a testing standard for nickel plated water fittings (23/DW/04/22) contributes to the big question ‘How do we achieve 100% compliance with drinking water
standards at the point of use by 2050?’.